Baby Shower Expert

My wife is quite a woman. I wish you could meet her. Chances are that if you did meet her you might go away thinking that you found your new best friend. She has that effect on a lot of people. She seems to have a special talent for helping those who might otherwise not have any friends.

One of the unexpected results of this is that if there is someone in our ward who ought to have a baby shower, but probably won’t get one, my wife either steps in and does it or gets asked to do it. Over the years my wife has become a bit of an expert on baby showers.

A few years ago she created a web site called showers deluxe. It is a free site with ideas for games, gifts, recipes, etiquette, etc. It has had nearly half a million visits so far. It is not exactly a blog, but does have a guest book.
Anyway, she created this web site using html code with some help from a brother of hers. Yes, I am bragging a bit, but not about myself.

So if you ever need to host a baby shower and would like some ideas this would be a good place to go. My wife’s name is Becky, and she does read my blog sometimes. Partly to humor me. Feel free to leave her a comment. She will get it eventually but may not respond. Hope somebody enjoys the site and finds it useful.

2 Responses to “Baby Shower Expert”

  1. 1 JKS August 3, 2006 at 11:10 pm

    Cool idea. Thanks for sharing. And thanks for telling us something about your wife.

  2. 2 Eric Nielson August 4, 2006 at 10:43 pm

    Glad you liked it.

    Perhaps I will post more on my wife sometimes.

    Better be careful though. Probably no parodies.

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