Archive for the 'Carnegie' Category

Remembering Names

Remembering names can be an important initial step in developing good human relations. It is a subtle compliment that shows that you care about this new person in your life. This can have positive affects in nearly every aspect of life. This skill can come in especially handy in fellowshiping efforts for investigators and new members. How great it would be to meet an investigator that the missionaries bring to church one week, and to remember their names the next week – or during the week if you run into them at the grocery store or something.

Unfortunately, many people feel that they are terrible with names. It is common to hear someone say this. But anyone with a desire to remember names can greatly improve their abilities in this area by using a few simple techniques.

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Leadership, Human Relations, Self-Confidence and ‘Night in a Museum’

My family went to see the movie ‘Night in a Museum’ last Monday. It was okay. Kind of a Jumanji meets Bill and Ted. What message there was in the movie had to do with leadership, self-confidence and human relations. I could not help but think of my Carnegie experience some more. A co-worker of mine, who took the course at the same time, frequently talks about how he has changed, and mentions his behavior in terms of ‘before Carnegie’ and ‘after Carnegie’. It is much the same for me.

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As a Man Thinketh

There is a familiar phrase in the scriptures that says ‘For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he’. (Proverbs 23:7) I am now wondering how literally to take this.

I am in the midst of taking a 12 week Dale Carnegie training course called ‘Effective Communication and Human Relations’. My company is sending me to this course to help develop some leadership skills. This course promises all kinds of things, and they are mainly based in self confidence. In the reading assignment after the first week, I came across an interesting suggestion. Mr. Carnegie suggests that if you need self confidence, and you don’t feel you have enough, act as if you have self confidence. He claims that this can be a very powerful way of gaining self confidence. I suppose that if you can convince yourself to act and behave in a certain way, and good results come from it, that this will reinforce the mindset and behavior.

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